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7 Apr 2009 Commentary: This UNC team one for history books Radford coach Brad Greenberg compared North Carolina basketball to John Grisham's The
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23 Feb 2010 Roy Williams soon will go into the history books as having coached a North Carolina's men's basketball team, which is scheduled to play
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23 Nov 2009 Will Blythe: On the Duke/ North Carolina basketball rivalry the book matches the intensity of other books on great sports rivalries,
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"Adam Lucas was in unique position to watch North Carolina's 2004 basketball season and the beginning of Roy Williams' highly anticipated UNC coaching
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His biography on the National Basketball Association (NBA) website states,
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They became the most decorated class in UNC Basketball history while Surpasses previous championship books in the level of detail it pays to what
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Sports Books & Recreation Books : University of North Carolina
"Of the manifold books on University of North Carolina basketball that have