1985 stanford basketball
Sports | Vanderveer Takes Stanford A Long Way | Seattle Times
Below are various stats related to the 1984- 1985 Stanford basketball
1984-85 Stanford Cardinal Men's Basketball rosters, game schedules
Todd Lichti 1985 -89 124 820 584 2336 2. Adam Keefe 1988-92 125 830 652 2319 3. Brevin Knight 1993-97 115 515 591 ..... Stanford University Men's Basketball
Answers.com - Who was on the Stanford mens' basketball team in 1985
16 Feb 1985 The ultimate source of stats and news for college basketball fans. 1984- 1985 Season. Saturday, February 16, 1985 . Stanford Cardinal, 41
NBA Players who Attended Stanford University - Basketballreference.com
14 Feb 1993 In 1985 , among the people who advised Tara VanDerveer not to take the Stanford women's basketball coaching job was Dunbar VanDerveer,
On Basketball - VanDerveer and Stanford Push but Can't Upend UConn
Stanford has no official mascot, but the Stanford Tree, a member of the
Women's Basketball : Bruins Face Stanford ; 49ers Play at Hawaii
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View2002-2003 Stanford Basketball . Stanford Four-Year Starters. Kimberly Belton ...... 1985 , 86, 87, 89. Reynolds, Kenneth M ............. 1929, 30, 31
1985 -86 Stanford Cardinal Statistics | College Basketball at
Tara VanDerveer, who begins her 13th season on The Farm this fall, was named
1985 Stanford Cardinal Basketball Roster, Where Are They Now
NBA Statistics for each player, team, and league in pro basketball history. NBA/ABA Players who attended Stanford University. More Colleges. ***Please Read* ** Bedell, Bob 1967-1970. Borchardt, Curtis 2003- Bratz, Mike 1977- 1985
2010 NCAA Women's Basketball Championship Preview: UConn vs
5 Apr 2010 It is the clash of titans in women's college basketball and it tips VanDerveer has led Stanford since 1985 (she spent 1996 as the U.S.
Scout.com: 2004 Stanford Roster
20 Dec 1985 The ultimate source of stats and news for college basketball