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27 Feb 2011 Picking the UW-WSU winner | Husky Men's Basketball Blog NEW - 02:05 PM .... Granderson homers as Yankees beat Phillies 7-3 .... 2 p.m.*, FIM World Superbike Australia , SPEED. Pro rodeo Baseball reporter Larry Stone appears at 3:30 p.m. Tuesdays on the Mike Gastineau show.
3 Feb 2011 first half of their NCAA college basketball game in Corvallis, Ore., Thursday, Feb. Lewis, Smith tied for lead at Australian Masters five 3- pointers for Washington (15-6, 7-3 Pac-10) which lost its second straight. Stone Oak shooter dies of injuries · Father apparently shoots son,
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Omni Sports Stadium, Noumea, New Caledonia, W, PTS, 8, 8. 1989-01-25 · Dean Waters, 7-3 -0 .... 1982-12-10, 209½, Young Stone , 176½, 1-1-0. Beaton Park Basketball Stadium, Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia , NC, NC, 3, 8
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