jon smith notre dame basketball
Edsall impresses Notre Dame boosters - College Football - College
Feb 20, 2008 Duke is not without local flavor- Wanisha Smith of Riverdale Baptist scored 11 courtesy, Jon P. Scott, basketball researcher/historian NBA Draft Net · Notre Dame Basketball · Off Wing Opinion · On Frozen Blog
John Smith | Notre Dame | Football | High School Sports
Nov 25, 2010 Read the latest South Bend John Smith news and view South Bend John Smith Women's Basketball : Univ. of Louisville at Univ. of Notre Dame
JOHN P. SMYTH Executive Director of Standing Tall Charitable Foundation, President of Notre Dame College Notre Dame Basketball Team Captain 1956-1957
Jonathan Smith - Yahoo! Sports
Nov 2, 2006 John L. Smith will coach the reminder of the season That slump started with a 40-37 loss to Notre Dame on Sep.
Earl Austin Jr - Billikens sign point guard Jordair Jett; Jon
The backcourt efforts of Jon Smith and Derrick Jackson allowed the Hoyas to ..... In the end, Notre Dame was able to maintain its key players on the floor
Los Angeles Lakers Draft Picks | Basketball
Dec 7, 2009 Notre Dame needs to approach Jon Gruden, a perfect fit for the football program. Slappy AKA John L. Smith outcoached Weis when he was at Michigan State and he is an idiot. .... College Basketball Fan Group's…
Rev. John P. Smyth Awards
Ref: John Smith Notre Dame 3 of Clubs Playing Card. $1.99. The World of Capt. John Smith .... Ref: 1976-77 Street Smith Basketball John Havicek em-nm
Georgetown Basketball History Project: History & Tradition
Sep 24, 2006 John L. Smith Legacy at Notre Dame NCAAFanZone Football Forum. NCAAFanZone, NCAAFanZone Basketball Forum, 12, 08-24-2006 02:38 PM
John L. Smith Legacy at Notre Dame - NCAA Fan Zone Forums
Jun 10, 2010 He remembers watching the UCLA/ Notre Dame game on television in which the Smith is South Carolina's winningest boys basketball coach,
South Bend John Smith Articles, South Bend John Smith News
Whatever happened to John Smith of Duke basketball . Vanderbilt (0). ► Independent (1). Notre Dame (1). Marc Edwards (12). ► Mid-Majors (1)
Aug 2, 2010 1971, Austin Carr, Notre Dame . 1972, Bill Walton, UCLA. 1973, Bill Walton, UCLA 2008, John Smith , Winona St. 2009, Josh Bostic, Findlay
York County, SC | Great falls coach John Smith molded by Wooden
Jonathan Smith Player Profile, Stats, and recruiting information on Yahoo! Sports. Army · Notre Dame It has been a huge week for high school basketball players to make commitments. How huge is huge exactly?
Jonathan Smith's Boys Basketball Stat Comparison
Apr 30, 2010 He averaged 14 points a game to lead Notre Dame Prep to a 27-7 record. In other SLU news, freshman forward Jon Smith will transfer after being granted I wish the young man well in his future basketball endeavors. - College Basketball - Men's Player of the Year
Intro video and starting line-up at the Notre Dame Men's Basketball game versus .... John L. Smith , Michigan State's head coach, slaps himself after the
John smith : Sports Linkup Shop : John smith
For other people named John Smith , see John Smith (disambiguation).