basketball jammed finger

How to play basketball with a jammed finger tape - How to play
Many times a jamming injury happens when you are playing basketball , football or other sports. Although most sports don't include a “ finger guard”,
Jammed finger swollen three weeks later - jammedfinger swelling
Some of the more common traumatic injuries in basketball are jammed fingers . The severity of a jammed finger can range from a minor injury of the ligaments,
Fractured finger vs sprained... Jammed finger -
19 Mar 2007 While playing basketball this week I jammed my finger trying to One of the most common basketball hand injuries is a jammed finger .
I jammed my finger playing basketball , is there anything you would
I jammed my finger playing basketball -it was all crooked. My buddy told me to calm down, then he yanked on it. It popped back, but something's not right.
Jammed Finger - Sports Injury Info
15 Jul 2010 This article describes a jammed finger injury called a mallet finger. Find out what it is and how to treat it.
Ask the Docs | Jammed Finger | Bulls
Jamming Your Finger . It has probably happended to you before. You were reaching out to catch the basketball , and it moved funny, or you weren't quite ready,
Fitness Forum - Jammed Thumb Has Lasted 5 Months
15 Jan 2008 this is a common injury when playing basketball , you have "jammed" your finger. .... The term jammed finger refers to finger joint pain and
Just jammed finger really bad. Ice it or warm water?
snaps prevent jammed fingers ? Basically, a jammed finger results from. basketball , football,football, rugby, volleyball, softball, baseball,
Jammed my finger playing basketball : Advisory - MensHealth
I was just playing basketball and jammed finger really hard. I can bend normally but cant bend it back, its swollen a bit too. One guy told me to ice it
How long does it take for a jammed finger to heal-Illness
Jammed finger swollen three weeks later. January 2, 2007 10:16 AM RSS feed for this thread Subscribe. Jammed my thumb playing basketball , does it need an
Common Basketball Injuries
20 posts - 19 authors - Last post: 23 Jan 2006It was jammed playing basketball when an arm swung into my hand and I jammed my finger in a fight over 3 months ago, and it still hurts.
How can I fix my jammed finger from my basketball game? | ChaCha
3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: 7 Jul 2010Today i was just shooting hoops by myself and i was going up for a rebound and i jammed my pinky finger . It hurt pretty bad for like five
A Common Basketball Injury This Summer: Jammed Finger - Associated
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick Viewby WE Heidenreich - 2001 A Jammed Finger from Basketball . Wayne E Heidenreich, MD. A benign enchondroma of the left fifth distal interphalangeal joint occurred in a 39 year old male
Jammed Finger - Durham Regional Hospital
I've had a good couple of jammed fingers due to basketball . I jammed my finger when a kid playing basketball and it was literally blue and stayed that
Comments on How to Treat a Jammed Finger or Toe |
85% - What do you do for a jammed finger my grandson s finger is blue and swollen where he jammed it in physical ed playing basketball ?