why were backboards introduced in basketball

Early 20th Century Basketball History: What a Game From the Early
Jan 23, 2010 The glass backboard was introduced in 1912, but not widely used until much later . By 1910, open-ended nets were widely used for basketball
National Basketball Association - History - ABA - NBL
In 1921, the basket and backboard were moved two feet (60 cm) from the wall to stop Free throws were introduced shortly after basketball was invented.
Google Answers: basketball
It wasn't until 1929 that the basketball used today was introduced . As basketball became more and more popular, backboards became important and were made
Basketball Backboard Rules | eHow.com
In the early years of basketball history, backboard dimensions outside of the NBA varied based on the materials from which they were made,
Basketball Hoop Backboard
Free throws were introduced shortly after basketball was invented. the free throw line was officially placed fifteen feet (4.6 m) from the backboard ,
History Of Basketball
Basketball History question: Why were backboards introduced in 1894?
SportsKnowHow.com - History of Basketball - Page 2 of 4
Basketballs were once shot into peach baskets with no open bottom, no nets and no backboards . This history of basketball shows how much the sport has
* Backboard - ( Basketball ): Definition
Feb 1, 2009 Backboards were not introduced to the game until 1896. College in Northampton, Mass., introduced basketball to women at the school.
*Nat Holman* The Man, His Legacy, and CCNY
History of the Basketball Backboard . Why Was the Backboard Invented. Basketball Backboard Dimensions Square. Why Were Backboards Invented
Barbarian Basketball Goal - The Highest Quality Basketball Goals
1893 - First backboards introduced , 6 ft by 12 ft in size, to stop fans in 1894 - First basketball invented to replace soccer balls that were being used
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Apr 14, 2010 The fact of the matter is that portable basketball goals are made to be disposable. The more basketball goals you buy the more money the
The Rules of Basketball : Boy, How They've Changed!
Basketball Equipment 50% Off! - Click Here! BASKETBALL GOALS , BALLS, JERSEYS, GIFTS The first basketballs were made from panels of leather stitched together education teacher Senda Berenson Abbott introduced basketball to women,
The History Of Basketball
These mesh backboards , introduced in 1895, were replaced in 1904 by wood
Evolution of the Game of Basketball - HoopTactics Basketball Basics
Nov 12, 2003 "The next significant development in basketball history occurred in 1893 when both the hoop and backboard were invented.
Fun Facts About Basketball
Backboard - Topic: Basketball - Online Encyclopedia. Wire mesh backboards were introduced in 1895 to prevent spectators in the balconies from interfering