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Review by GameSpot - Sep 26, 2006GameSpot's Aaron Thomas shares his thoughts on NBA 2K7 for the PlayStation 2 NBA 2K7 Video Review - 5 min NBA 2K7 Gameplay Movie 3 - 1 min 17 sec - Cached - Similar Show more results from Shopping results for ncaa 2k7 basketball for ps2 New 2K Games College Hoops NCAA 2K7 Playstation 2 High Quality ...$17.59 - College Hoops NCAA 2K7 for PlayStation 2 ( PS2 )$19.99 - College Hoops NCAA 2K7 (PlayStation 2) SLUS 21463 - Closeout$19.80 - 1st Quality School ... When saving NCAA Basketball 2K7 for PS2 , I get that the file is When saving NCAA Basketball 2K7 for PS2 , I get that the file is damaged and cannot save to memory card. It is a 64 mega memory card with still over 43m
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Review by GameSpot - Dec 15, 2006College Hoops 2K7 is a good college basketball game, but it's nearly .... NCAA March Madness 07. ( PS2 ). Users who looked at content for this game also
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